Sunday, October 29, 2006

Frizzell law firm - we proved NSS in this company a long time ago

Sept 30, 2005

Greetings Group Members,

I have received several emails of late inquiring about our naked short investigation. We have continued to tally shares by people that have sent their statements to us but the numbers are not changing significantly. We proved a huge naked short position in this company a long time ago. Our documentation substantiates 482 billion shares (approximately) owned by 11557 shareholders. This does not include cert holders. There remains approximately 48000 shareholders that have not sent us their holdings. By my estimates there are at least a trillion and a half shares that have been sold in CMKX stock. When all shares (including foreign and obo accounts) are added to the mix, the total could exceed two trillion shares.

Have a good weekend.



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